Dear Strugglingrsa,
Remember, your brain has been trained by some 'master minds'.... The GB/ WT are very good at their art of brainwashing.
For years you have heard, "Where will you go?" as IF that was a life or death question, right? They WANT you to panic, they WANT you to turn around and come back because you can't decide or need to know "Where will I go?"
You actually don't need to know. You can take it one day at a time. Enjoy each second, minute, day with your wife. Live in the 'here and now' instead of 'Armaggedon will be here soon'... See what they do?
Your brain, just like the rest of us, was trained to worry. It was trained to think in the grooves that were deepened over time of repeated phrases, just like a record, and those phrases play over an over.
Take a breath, breathe, and live. All of life's problems do not need to be solved 'right away'. Enjoy your new wife, she can help you think in another way.
Hugs, cha ching!